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Philippine groups sue "Catholics" for A Free Choice, charging lies

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The latest media campaign of "Catholics" for a Free Choice (CFFC) hasfinally garnered attention, but it may not be the attention CFFC desired-- CFFC is being sued for deceptive advertising. For the past few months,CFFC has purchased billboards and newspaper advertisement in citiesworldwide, which claim that Catholic bishops "ban" condoms, and that theChurch is responsible for the deaths of millions of people due toHIV/AIDS. In response, a group of pro-life and pro-family advocates in thePhilippines has lodged a court complaint against CFFC, stating that CFFC'scampaign breaches the country's code of ethics in advertising.

According to the complaint, the CFFC advertisements are guilty of twoseparate infractions, "dishonest advertising" and "open and directdisparagement" of religious beliefs. The complainants allege that thecampaign is dishonest for a number of reasons, including the simple factthat CFFC "is not Roman Catholic." In their charges, they ask, "Can amovement be called Catholic, that openly rejects and distorts Catholicteachings, especially respect and protection of defenseless unborn humanlife?" Referring to CFFC's unsuccessful "See Change" campaign at theUnited Nations, they ask, "Can a movement be called Catholic, thatmasterminds, promotes, and wages a relentless agenda using all meansnecessary to expel the Holy See from the United Nations?"

The complainants also cite Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza, President of the[U.S.] National Conference of Catholic Bishops, who has stated, "CFFC isnot a Catholic organization.CFFC is, practically speaking, an arm of theabortion lobby in the United States and throughout the world."

Since last November, CFFC advertisements have questioned the compassionof Catholic bishops, stating, "Catholic bishops preach sanctity of life.But their ban on condoms contributes to millions of people around theworld dying.Catholic people care. Do our bishops?"

CFFC has also continued its attacks on the Holy See at the UnitedNations. During the Commission on Population and Development held in earlyApril, CFFC submitted an official document to the Commission calling forthe Holy See to "support the use of condoms to prevent AIDS and otherdiseases; to approve the use of modern methods of contraception, includingemergency contraception, to prevent unwanted pregnancy; and to supportnon-coercive, safe and legal abortion."

According to Jo Imbong, a member of Catholics in Law, a Philippinenongovernmental organization involved in the suit, the CFFC media campaign"was just too much. We want to get the message across: not on our shores."He also hopes that, through this suit, people "in other countries wheresimilar campaigns are waged will be inspired to stem this insidiousaffront to our religion."

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