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'Stick' around for Holy Mass

28. Juni 2008 in English, keine Lesermeinung
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A Liechtenstein non-profit initiative presents the first English edition of the popular Sunday Sticker Album and launches the website www.sundaystickers.com.

Vaduz/Liechtenstein (www.kath.net)
Fr. Johannes M. Schwarz from the Archdiocese of Vaduz announced the planned publication of an English version of the Sunday Sticker Album. This, he said, was in response to repeated inquiries and requests for such a move.

The Sunday Sticker Album is a catechetical tool that allows children to collect stickers illustrating the gospel readings of each Sunday and Feast following the liturgical year. Further the 5,5 by 8,5 inch 40 page booklet contains curious or interesting “facts for kids” about the Church and her liturgy. “Why are there often steps leading to a Church?
What does Advent mean? What is so "white" about White (Whit) Sunday?...”

According to Fr. Schwarz, the German edition in its first year was distributed to 2000 children in 6 countries and the feedback has been very positive. Naturally, he says, it would be unrealistic to expect all pews to fill up with children, but in his own parish, he states, there has been both an increase in church attendance and its regularity.

It is a tool for parishes, no miracle maker, and the main idea was aimed at something different, emphasizes Fr. Schwarz. We wanted to provide something to those children and families that already participate actively in the liturgical life of the Church. We wanted something that would make the message of Christ “stick” with the children and I think we found something, he says smiling.

The age group the album aims at are the 7 – 9 year olds, making the
album an ideal companion for the preparation of First Communion. It is equally suited for altar servers and catechetical work in Catholic or Sunday schools.

The project has found favourable reception with the Pontifical Council for the Family and a copy of the Sunday Sticker Album will be presented to the Holy Father in the fall, who at the occasion will be asked to bless rosaries for the children who have completed their Sunday Sticker Album.

More information can be found on the website:

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